A joyful woman eating fresh fruits to boost her immune system.

Immune System

A strong immune system is not just about fighting off infections; it’s about living a vibrant, healthy life

– Joel Fuhrman

The human body is not one without complications, with the majority happening as a result of foreign materials introduced into the body through the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the fluids we take. Naturally, the body can detect what’s useful and transport it to where it is needed, likewise, it can also detect harmful organisms and launch an attack against them.

The body’s ability to fight off infections, diseases and germs to keep it healthy is what is known as the immune system. Although the immune system in every individual follows a similar course of action, the ability of one person’s immune system to fight off invaders differs from another.

This is true because the strength of an immune system depends largely on an individual’s genetic makeup and lifestyle; for instance, A person without any immunodeficiency disorder who lives in a clean environment and practices proper hygiene will have an immune system that fights off invaders better than a person with an immunodeficiency disorder who lives in a polluted environment with less regard to proper hygiene.

Immune System Structure

The immune system takes no particular shape or form because it is an intricate network of organs, cells, proteins and tissues performing different functions but having a common goal to rid the body of toxins and keep it healthy. The immune system includes the following:

  • Bone marrow – spongy tissues in the bones responsible for the production of new blood cells that help carry oxygen, fight infection and form blood clots.
  • Lymph nodes – small oval glands clustered in the neck, groin, underarms and abdomen collecting and destroying bacteria and viruses from lymph.
  • Spleen – a ductless gland in the left upper abdomen that filters blood by removing microbes and destroying old blood cells.
  • Thymus – a gland behind the top of the breastbone having the duty of producing lymphocytes.
  • White blood cells – moving through the blood, they can be found all over the body looking for harmful organisms to attack. They are the soldiers of the immune system.

Immune System Function

The immune system is not positioned in a specific area of the human body like the heart. lungs and liver, however, it operates all over the body because it is carried around by the blood. It protects the cells by creating a barrier that denies access to harmful organisms (germs, bacteria, viruses, etc.) that can alter the proper functions of the cells, cause infections and total cell damage.

Germs, bacteria and viruses are all around us, though not visible to the human eye, we come into contact with them through contaminated surfaces, air, food, water and already infected persons, constituting the major cause of diseases.

The immune system does not end with just creating barriers to guard cells, it attacks and overpowers these invaders as well. Sometimes these harmful organisms are so strong that they breach the immune system’s protective barrier and attack the cells, this induces another form of immune response.

The immune system may release ‘killer T cells’ that can recognize and kill the invading organism or produce antibodies that will bind to specific invading organisms, immobilize and eliminate them.

The immune system is phenomenal but not perfect. It can break down at times or even malfunction by identifying a substance as a threat when it’s not and launching an attack. This can lead to health complications such as asthma, allergies, depression and more.

The body becomes a breeding ground for all kinds of organisms making it extremely difficult to treat infections and diseases. A healthy body will produce a healthy immune system therefore, observing a proper health care plan is key to ensuring optimum immune system function.

Immune System Booster

To boost the immune system, one must consider the wellbeing of the body in general; because the immune system is not a single unit but composed of interconnected organs working in harmony towards a common objective.

Scientifically, there is no proven method to boost the immune system, however, there are ways to keep the body healthy which may, in turn, have a positive effect on the immune system. A healthy body has a strong immunity against diseases, therefore, the activities listed below which are proven to be of great benefit to the body, may help boost the immune system.

  • Sleep – This is known to improve brain function, reduce stress and normalize blood pressure. A recommended 8-hour sleep a day is really important for the body to obtain the maximum benefit.
  • Exercise – The best way to maintain fitness, enhance muscle work and burn calories. Performing a non-vigorous 30-minute exercise daily is great.
  • Food – Eat well to live well. A balanced diet with fruits and vegetables does help keep the body healthy.
  • Hygiene – Observing proper hygiene by keeping surroundings and body free from dirt will keep a person away from most bacteria and infections.
  • Laughter – It relaxes the heart while releasing hormones that reduce stress; shifting your focus to the bright side of life. Laugh and stay away from things that make you angry for laughter is the best medicine
  • Love – To love and feel loved kicks bad energy away and improves heart and mental health. Keep a free spirit and demonstrate love.

Immune Booster Herbal Supplement

Herbs can supply all the nutrients the body needs and in the right quantity as well. They can be used to prepare the foods we eat or taken as supplements. Many herbs also have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties making them the best source of strength for the immune system to overpower bacteria and viruses. A few of the most powerful herbs that are capable of positively impacting the immune system are disclosed below.

  • Moringa – As a powerhouse of nutrients, moringa is great for nourishing the body and is commonly referred to as the miracle leaf because it is believed to have the capacity to treat over 300 diseases.
  • Dandelion – A highly nutritious plant popular for its ability to detoxify. It is also called the liver tonic because it is known to help with the flow of bile, a perfect way of assisting the liver to function effectively.
  • Burdock – Filled with antioxidants that protect the body cells against free radicals, it also rids the bloodstream of toxins and promotes proper circulation of blood.
  • Sea Moss – High in iodine, sea moss is extremely vital to the thyroid gland. Low in fat and calories but rich in fiber, magnesium and iron, it aids in digestion and overall wellbeing.
  • Galbanum – Packed with nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, copper and more, galbanum helps with tissue repair, fluid balance and wound healing. The nutritional value and aromatic flavor of galbanum are the main reasons why it is found in almost every palm nut soup in Ghana.


Excessive indulgence in all things is unpleasant; for that reason, every herb must be used in moderation with approval from a personal medical practitioner.

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