Assorted bowls filled with a variety of foods and vegetables that hold health secrets.

Health Secrets

If you want to learn about the health of a population, look at the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the places where they live.

– Hippocrates – Father of modern medicine.

The overall health of a population is contingent on several factors, the bulk of which is mainly the quality of food, water, and air available to them. These health secrets reveal that whatever we consume as food can strengthen or weaken our immune system, just as water and air can. Therefore, we have a huge responsibility to determine the state of our well-being based on the choices we make regarding consumables.

This should be enough for anyone to know that the vast majority of health issues we face are self-inflicted. In many instances, we willingly disregard the dangers we put our human bodies through when we indulge in a couple of unhealthful practices because their effects are not instant and seemingly inconsequential, however, these effects will compound and pose a huge health risk over time with sickness as the end result.

Familiarizing yourself with a few health secrets can act as a buffer against sudden health issues. With a primary focus on food, water, and air, how we manage these essentials daily reflects our commitment to health. Some of the health secrets are shared below:


Any nutritious substance consumed to provide support for an organism in order to maintain health and growth is considered food. It is worth considering that not every substance we consume contains the necessary nutrients the human body needs and also, not every nutritious substance consumed will end up providing value to the body.

Although this might be a bit confusing, it is essential to know that before the body can derive enough benefit from food, certain healthy eating conditions must be adhered to; a way to ensure you have control over what and how you feed your body, commonly referred to as good eating habits. Let’s explore a few of these eating habits that I consider health secrets:

Hot Or Cold

The temperature of the foods we eat determines how hard or easy it will be for our body to digest them. Aside from the burns we might get from hot foods, the body will use extra energy to bring the temperatures of both hot and cold foods into equilibrium with our core body temperature for facile digestion. Foods preferably, must be warm.


Delicious meals have the tendency to cause us to eat more than necessary and this can overburden our digestive system causing unpleasant issues such as indigestion, delaying natural hunger signals, obesity and more. We must train our bodies to eat enough and not overeat, even palatable and nutritious foods.

Late Dinner

Our busy schedules sometimes keep us away from the dining table so we end up having our meals in the later part of the evening; the worst part is going to bed right after. Our metabolism is slow at night making it a perfect time to relax and enjoy a good night’s sleep however, retiring to bed with a full stomach will disturb sleep, upset stomach, and contribute to fat growth and heartburn. It is advisable to eat early and have an interval of about two (2) to three (3) hours between dinner and bedtime.

Hasty Eating

Digestion of carbohydrates, a macronutrient dominating our diet, begins in the mouth. When food is properly masticated, it mixes with saliva and enables ptyalin, a form of amylase present in saliva, to break down starch into maltose before it enters the stomach for further hydrolysis. We miss this principal part of digestion when we eat in haste, leaving foods improperly digested and eventually, generating irksome internal conditions like bloating, constipation, pain etc.


Water is a transparent liquid without color, taste or smell, that falls from the sky as rain and on earth, forms lakes, streams and seas, most importantly, it is vital for the sustenance of life, serving as the basic fluid of living organisms. The human body is about 60% water, which makes our dependence on water pivotal for survival, so it is impossible to live without it, in fact, a 15% loss of water is fatal. It is very obvious we need a lot of water but drinking too much in a short time can be harmful, therefore, the optimal use of water is recommended. The following ways of drinking water reveal highly beneficial health secrets:

Drink Slowly

Sipping water allows the body to efficiently process the nutrients and minerals for proper hydration, rather than quaffing water which ends up troubling the kidneys. Typically, a lot of people drink water when they are already thirsty, making it harder for them to sip, hence, it is wise to train oneself to constantly sip water intermittently to prevent frequent urination, indigestion and overburdened kidneys. The ideal way to stay hydrated is to drink water slowly.

Lime/Lemon In Water

Lime or Lemon juice squeezed into warm water, taken very early in the morning is a blessing to the body. This drink is the best natural detox nature can provide, cleansing the body of mucus and enabling free bowels. Lime and lemon are fruits packed with a lot of nutrients, although acid in nature, they become alkaline when ingested.

Water With Meals

Do not drink water with or right after meals because it will dilute the digestive acids and interfere with the appropriate digestive process. Drinking ample water right before a meal will also deny the body the adequate food it needs as the little taken in will fill up the stomach. Space out your meal and water intake to experience the joy of a healthy diet. Taking water at least 30 minutes before and after meals is acceptable and capable of preventing putrefaction, constipation and flatulence.


Air is a mixture of gases that make up the earth’s atmosphere, a daily vital demand for the existence of life. The average adult, at rest, draws about 12 to 20 breaths per minute; an indication that the body is processing air every second that passes which makes air, the most important thing for mankind. The quality of human life depends largely on the quality of air we breathe which means, the air we take in can be contaminated and adversely affect our health. Practicing the following health secrets will ensure the human body gets the ideal air it requires.

Allow Ventilation

Always open your windows to allow fresh outdoor air into your home or any enclosed space you find yourself in because, over a short period of time, the oxygen in an enclosed space gets used up leaving you no other option than to keep inhaling the same impure air your body exhaled. This lack of oxygen and continuous intake of impure air can weaken the lungs, and cause suffocation leading to brain damage and finally, death. Ventilation is the perfect choice for oxygenous air.

Minimize Air-Condition Use

Air conditioning brings relief and enhances our comfort level by keeping us cool in hot weather. While it offers such a great help, getting accustomed to its regular use can be detrimental to health. It must be used in moderation lest we find ourselves making trips to the hospital with heart and blood-related conditions.

Avoid Air Pollution

Fumes from cars, cigarettes, burning garbage, and fossil fuels among others, released into the atmosphere, pollute the air around us. Staying away from these fumes will save the lungs from damage. An overcrowded confined space with little to no ventilation is also an air-polluted space, so staying in the open and receiving satisfaction from the abundance of oxygen, is life to the lungs.

Take Notice

Overall health is wealth and must remain a priority at all times. In addition to proper consumption of food, water, and air, our fitness and mental health are also important. Consider the following extra good health secrets:

  • Think Positively
  • Have Enough Rest
  • Exercise Everyday
  • Take A Sun Bath
  • Do Not Worry
  • Have Faith in God

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